Shelley Kaili
Shelley is 27 years old and is currently living in Wilmington, North Carolina. However when she was younger she lived in Macau for 11 years until she moved to the US. Since then she has lived in many places including San Francisco, then Las Vegas, and then Miami for college. She lived there for 5 years. She completed college with a BS in Accounting and that is the field she works in today. She grew up in a single parent family and has two younger sisters. She is currently dating a great guy and this is what she has to say. "I'm not married, nor been married, don't have the nerve to get marry yet, but I do have a boyfriend and he's been my significant other for 8 years. I guess I'm pretty content. and he's a wonderful guy and very supportive of my additive hobby!" You are way to funny Shelley!
Shelley has been scrapbooking since 2005 and she would describe her style as simple, shabby chic and very girly. She enjoys scrapbooking because it helps her relax and she loves photography. She feels that the two compliment each other. Her top five must have scrapbooking things are patterned papers, ribbon, Prima flowers, 3-D embellishments and buttons. All five of those things do show up in just about everything that she creates. She gets inspiration from anything--magazines, stickers, catalogues and other scrapbookers. Her favorite scrap snack is chocolate.
Her favorite holiday is Christmas and her favorite season is Spring. Her favorite types of food are Thai, Chinese, Vietmanese, Japanese and Italian. She likes anything but classic country music. If she could visit anywhere, she would love to go to Greece. She also mentioned that she is a good poker and Monopoly player. She has a super cute Pomeranian named Siu-Siu and she is 3.5 years old. Shelley is not Shelley without her Pom.

We love having Shelley part of PFOP. She brings a lot of talent to the group and has a wealth of knowledge on many things scrapbooking. We are thrilled that we have gotten to know her better.
Click here to view her auctions on Ebay.
Hi Shelley, it's really great to get know a little more about you! I love your little bears, they're so cute!!!!
I really enjoyed your spot light ~ it's nice to know more about you!! I would love to scrap with you, especially since your favorite snack is CHOCOLATE!! :-)
You like PRIMA's??! I never would have guessed! ;-) Nice to get to know you better....
Shelley, You're so awesome! Great pictures. Does the dog actually like the swing?? lol!
Cam, my sisters took her to the park, and they showed my a video of her on the swing, and surprising she has a grin on her face the entire time, I think she liked it.
It's so fun to learn more about you! I love the picture of you, SO cute! That cracks me up about your dog BTW! LOL!
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